The Terry Fox Foundation

Rob grew up in Toronto, went to the University then followed the UHAULs west to Calgary to teach. He had become a marathon runner with some guidance of a Prof at University , and having lost his father to a heart condition at age 6 believed this was the best therapy there was for him. He ran organized and ran 24 hr run in Calgary Sept 1980 when Terry had to stop his 143 run across Canada. He felt he had to do something. Rob drove out to Victoria Feb 1988 to begin the dream of having a running store.
In 2005 while running along Dallas Rd he came up with the idea of putting up a statue to Terry Fox. Rob decided his overdraft at the bank was a good way to make this happen…
After getting permission from the Fox family to make this happen he became a close friend and is subsequently the Board Chair of a small committee that oversees the artifacts including the van from Terry’s Marathon of Hope.