What is Rotary?
Rotary is a volunteer organization with approximately 1.3 million members in approximately 32,000 clubs around the world. The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.
Why should I join?
If you want to meet a group of positive business and professional people who are interested in making Victoria and the world a better place, then come for a visit. We have a variety of charities and projects that we support both financially and with our efforts. The more you get involved, the more you get out of it. You will grow personally and develop many new, diverse and interesting friends while we work together to make the world a better place.
Can a business join Rotary?
Yes. Corporate membership is when your corporation joins the club. You designate one person as the "primary" member. Dues/meals are the same as regular membership. The Corporation may send any representative to the meeting each week, if more than one attends, the Corporation pays for the second meal. This is an excellent method to encourage community involvement for team members .
Who is in your club?
With about 90 members, our club contains a broad range of businesses and professions. We have current and past CEOs and executives of many well known organizations. As well, we include small business owners, professionals and managers.
When do you meet?
We meet every Wednesday morning (except holidays) at 7am at the Union Club near the Empress Hotel. Meetings usually wrap up just past 8am. A full breakfast is served. If you are not a morning person, please check out other clubs in Victoria that meet for lunch or in the evening.
How much does it cost?
There is a monthly Rotary membership fee of $27 plus breakfast costs. On an annual basis, you can expect the cost to be around $1300. We would hope you also choose to be part of the social events or donation activities in which many members participate. These include our fundraisers, events and raffles. With that there are costs as well.
What do you do?
We participate in many service projects in Victoria and the international community. While nobody is expected to volunteer to help with all the fundraisers, everyone is expected to volunteer for some. View our web site for community projects locally and around the world.
What are attendance requirements?
You should attend at least 50% of our meetings or participate in a make-up. In order to get the most out of the 'fellowship', we encourage members to attend the meetings.
What is the membership process?
It is a good idea to come along to a few meetings and meet some of our members and if Rotary would be a good fit for you. Should you decide to join, please complete the membership form online. A past-president will meet with you to answer any questions you may have, and to ensure you understand the obligations of membership. Subsequently, the board will approve your application and once approved, you will be inducted into the club at one of our weekly meetings.
What can I expect at a meeting?
One thing you will notice immediately is the welcoming atmosphere at Harbourside Rotary. The pre-meeting coffee is lively and a great opportunity to get to know some of your fellow Rotarians. This is an opportunity to mingle with community and business leaders. We are a mixture of young and older members from diverse backgrounds - a invigorating group with many community connections. After breakfast, there are updates on the projects we are involved with, a topical speaker along with a host of other varied activities. The meeting ends by 8:15, which enables members to make their way to work - or for others to meet for a coffee.