Mary Coward, supported by her committee (Colin Smith and Ralph Libby) gave a presentation on the structure and work of the Rotary Foundation (TRF).
Program: The Rotary Foundation
Mary Coward, supported by her committee (Colin Smith and Ralph Libby) gave a presentation on the structure and work of the Rotary Foundation (TRF).
Over the past year Harboursiders contributed over $30,000 to TRF, averaging over $320 per member. This year’s committee includes Colin Smith for the Polio Plus campaign and Ralph Libby for the Endowment Fund campaign. TRF is the funding vehicle for the work of RI. All of TRF funds come from the clubs, worldwide. The major components of the TRF distributions are (1) polio eradication 42%; (2) global grants 26%; (3) district grants 10%. Harbourside had five global grant projects underway last year. While many of our international projects have been in Guatemala and Honduras, we now have links with projects in Tanzania, Liberia and Togo.
Recent changes in the grant program include the addition of a seventh ‘area of focus’ – the environment, and ‘programs at scale’ such a US$6 million project combating malaria in Zambia.
Within the club, 84 members have contributed at some time and 56 have contributed during the past year. One of the important features of TRF is the way it leverages club funds through grants at the TRF and district level. Since 2016 the club has contributed $100,000 to produce projects worth over $400,000.
Colin Smith spoke about the Polio Plus initiative, which is funded entirely by donations; the idea developed into the March of Dimes – a campaign that sought donations from everyone regardless of how small, thus involving all kinds of people in donating but also engaging the broader population in the success of the effort. Clubs have moved through “pennies for polio” to “pocket change for polio”. The target this year equals what was raised last year - $9,000 or US$7,000.
Ralph Libby spoke about the Endowment Fund. This is supported by commitments from members to include Rotary in your will. “Benefactors” are those who commit to contributing $1,000 or more – 11 Harbourside members have signed on. Members of the “Bequests Society” are those who commit to contributing $10,000 or more – six Harbourside members have signed on.
This meeting kicks off the Annual Fund fundraising drive. This year’s target is US$18,000. The committee has identified several incentives. Donations can be made through the committee or online through the RI website. Donations are tax deductible.